Elephant's Life

 Elephant's Life

Elephants are magnificent creatures that walk around the Earth, not hurting humans or attacking other animals.

Elephants have large ears, large foot, long tusks, and are grey in color. 

Elephant behavior:-

Elephants are also well known for their intelligence, close family ties, and social complexity.

Elephants have strong individuals personalities that affect how they interact with other elephants

The Oldest and the largest female udult is usually the

matriarch  (the leader of the herd).

This herbivore animals eat sugarcanes and leaves from trees. Elephants plant trees and fight climate change, It has shown that that elephant can help in seed dispersal as they roam great distances.

so what could go wrong? 

Elephants are in danger. Humans have been killing elephants for their tusks for money. Their tusks are very expensive, around 2,500,000. There are only 400,000 Elephants left.

     According to scientists, the elephants will become an extinct animal in 2040 if WE don't act fast. 

Will these innocent elephants survive or will they be perished? 

if you agree on saving the great creatures then please stand, against 
selling their tusks for money.




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